Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Positive conference

Einstein was wrong

One individual has even pointed that quotations from the 1905 document and Einstein's contemporaries as well as interpretations of the Relativity equations clearly and describe a confused and obviously erroneous theory. It is time therefore, for science to update its thinking on this theory with a comprehensive analysis of the history leading up to, during and after that revolutionary year of Special Relativity.As this is the 100 year anniversary of the original release of Special Relativity, a review of the original assumptions, documents and ideas which led to the acceptance of this theory is timely and warranted. Every year millions of students are taught this theory without a critical analysis of Relativity. Relativity Theory consists of its two variants Special Relativity and General Relativity and is considered the cornerstone of modern physics.Albert Einstein borrowed from the ideas of Fitzgerald, Lorentz and Voigt to create a new concept of the universe. His first work in this regard later came to be known as Special Relativity and contained many controversial ideas which today are considered axiomatic. Amongst these are Length Contraction, Time Dilation, the Twin Paradox and the equivalence of mass and energy summarized in the equation E=mc2.This equation became the shining capstone of the new theory along with its first & second postulates, namely, that the laws of nature are the same from all perspectives and that the speed of light 'c' is constant in a vacuum regardless of perspective. Further, the theory also predicted an increase in mass with velocity. Numerous examples have been given of the 'proof' of the validity of Special Relativity.Most notably, experiments using particle accelerators have sped particles to incredible velocities which apparently provide confirmation of Einstein's theory. However, doubts remain in the scientific community who have never totally given up the comfort of a Newtonian world view. This is readily apparent in that they refer to the Newton's 'Law' of Gravitation whilst Special Relativity (SR) and General Relativity (GR) are given the polite attribution 'The Theory of' or simply SR 'theory' and GR 'theory.' Einstein would continue working on the ideas of Special Relativity until producing the aforementioned even more controversial treatise.In his later more comprehensive work called the Theory of General Relativity (1916), Einstein proposed a major re-thinking of cosmology. He conceived of a space time continuum that is curved by mass; in other words, planets, stars, galaxies and other stellar objects cause a curvature of space time. The movement of these objects are determined by the aforementioned curvature.As a result of these ideas, our understanding of geometry, math, physics, science and the universe would never be the same. However, some scientists are reporting that speed of light is not constant from different experimental observations. One has even reported errors in the fundamental equations. If so, this would require a major rethinking of the known cosmological models and assumptions of modern physics.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

fastly skin whitening

There are hundreds of skin lightening products already on the market. You may even see creams that contain the same active ingredients as Meladerm®. So what makes the Meladerm® formula so unique? Simply put, research!Though a low grade skin whitening product might contain similar ingredients, it doesn't guarantee its effectiveness. In order to harness the true power of the active ingredients, great care must be taken when manufacturing the product. Light and air can easily deteriorate substances like Kojic Acid. Other ingredients must be carefully stored in vacuum desiccators in order to preserve their shelf life. Furthermore, the Civant team takes great effort to micronize and filter all of our active ingredients and extracts for superior efficiency. Most cheaper quality manufacturers do not take these precautions.When creating a skin lightening product, the base ingredients are just as important as the active ones. It is important to choose proper carriers and liposomes to ensure that the active ingredients are absorbed deeply into the skin. It is also wise to include effective preservatives and moisturizers to ensure minimal skin irritation. Meladerm® contains the highest concentrations of active ingredients tolerated by the skin. The use of special base ingredients and high quality actives is what brings out the true effectiveness of the formula and sets us apart from other manufacturers.

Skin care problems , symtoms and solutions

Skin care problems, like sagging skin, wrinkles, brown spots, acne, rosacea, dry skin, or aging skin can affect your appearance and how others think about you. More importantly, it can affect how you think about yourself. Here are some solutions to those problems.Lisa used to love going out on the town with friends every once in a while. It sure was a great stress reducer. But, then, Lisa started to experience skin problems, like skin blemishes (possibly from all that sunexposure earlier in life) and some wrinkles around the eyes (you can't stop aging you know) and elsewhere. It seemed like co-workers and others didn't talk to Lisa the same anymore and they didn't want to go out with her as much. What the heck was happening here ?What Happens to So Many PeopleLisa's confidence dropped quickly and so did her overall looks. She stopped dressing smartly and professionally. She stopped exercising and for some reason, didn't care what she ate either. Within a few months, Lisa started to feel quite ill and started missing work, not to mention how older she looked. What was she to do ? A trip to her doctor was a good starting point.Skin Care Makeover and MoreHer doctor was very sympathetic, but mentioned that in order for her to improve how she looked and felt, some actions had to be taken. Taking better care of her skin, losing some weight, and eating better would help. Lisa mentioned that dressing better might also be a good idea, since really successful women always looked sharp in every way. These steps just might do it.After some effort and time, it worked. She got her life back, and like magic, people started noticing a new women. A new Lisa with radiant, clear, smooth looking skin, an attractive figure, and wearing a new sharp outfit, emerged.The ResultSuccess at work and in her whole life followed. It all started with improving the look on her face using advanced skin care products. Everything else amazingly flowed from that point onwards.ConclusionIf you like the look of the person you look at every day in the mirror, it will affect your energy level and what you'll be able to accomplish in the rest of your life.Don't give up on yourself. If you have problems, see a doctor if needed and get help. Pray also, because God does want to assist you, but you have to ask.Lisa's story is only an example, but is a carbon copy of similar stories that are very common in today's society.If you need some advice about weight loss or psychological distress, see your doctor.

google can deliver the country specific searching

Daily routines are disrupted and suddenly mom and dad are too busy to pay attention to older siblings. Worst of all, the new baby is the instant star of the family - the center of attention. The adorable baby is the big attraction for everyone from mom and dad, to visiting relatives, to casual acquaintances bumped into at the mall, right down to strangers on the street. Everyone is talking baby talk, cooing at the new baby, and making a fuss over the newborn. The older kids may feel shunted aside and resentful. This is especially true for the displaced former baby of the family. Given these natural reactions, anything that you can do to prepare your other children for the new arrival will ease the transition. Everything you can do to involve your kids in advance and to get them to actually look forward to the birth will make a big difference in how they experience it. It might even help establish a stronger brother or sister bond with the new baby that will contribute to the lasting closeness of a positive sibling relationship. Here are some simple ideas that expectant parents might try, to smooth the road ahead for their other children. Most are common knowledge or simply common sense, but sometimes too easily forgotten amid all the excitement and activity surrounding the birth of a new baby. A few might be new ideas that are worth a try. A little advance thought and preparation may go a long way towards making the "blessed event" a blessing for the entire family. Hopefully, you'll be inspired to try some of these ideas, so here goes. Let your other kids in on the secret as soon as the pregnancy is confirmed, well before it is obvious just by looking at mom. Even with your youngest children, try to give them some understanding of the changes that mom is going through and what they mean. Check out your local public library. It should have books geared to all different ages that can explain, in terms that children can understand, the biological process of having a baby. Picture books about baby animals may also help crystalize the concept and relate it to something your kids have already experienced, like watching newborn kittens, for example. The library or local bookstore should also be able to guide you to works of fiction, including picture books for preschoolers, that focus on the arrival of a new baby in the family and such issues as jealousy and feelings of neglect. Quiet parent-child story reading times can provide an ideal opportunity to prepare young children for changes that are on the way and to reassure them of their own importance and irreplaceable position in the family. Discuss things openly and answer your kids' questions. Encourage your children to think about life with the new baby and how family routines will be altered. Coax your kids to develop their own lists of things that will be fun about having a new baby in the house - for example, they can push the baby carriage and help dress the baby. Help them think about all the things that they'll be able to share with and teach the baby as he or she grows up and how important their role will be as a "big brother" or "big sister." At other times, let them focus on coming up with ways that they can help care for the baby or have them think of things they can do around the house to ease the burden on mom and dad. Also, take this opportunity to make your kids aware that babies require gentle handling and a quiet environment. You might even use a baby doll with your younger children to role play baby's diaper changing and feeding. Nurture the feeling that every family member is of equal importance and that each occupies a special niche and has special contributions to make. No one is being replaced by the baby and the family cannot be whole unless everyone is a part of it. If your kids internalize this belief, you may be able to avoid some of the trauma and the understandable resentment toward this little stranger who has stolen mommy and daddy's hearts. The better your children are prepared for the impending event, the better they'll be able to cope with it emotionally. As part of that preparation process, from time to time plan special activities with your kids that relate to babies. For example, they might draw pictures of babies or collect baby photos from magazines and create a collage. Sit down and go through photo albums of your kids' baby pictures and reminisce with them about their own arrivals into the world. Re-tell any family anecdotes surrounding their births. Teach your children lullabies that they can sing to the baby, plus finger games and "peek-a-boo" games to entertain their new brother or sister. Arts and crafts projects can furnish a special parent-child discussion and sharing time and may sometimes revolve around preparations for the new baby. Kids can make pictures to hang in the baby's room, or create a baby-safe mobile to hang over the baby's crib, or draw scenes in which they imagine their lives with the new baby - rocking the baby in their arms, and so forth. Let the kids be involved in every facet of the preparations that you yourself are making for the baby's arrival. Your kids can help you repaint the nursery or paint a mural on the nursery wall, and help you pick out baby furniture, bedding and nursery decorations. They can choose baby clothes that appeal to them. All of these things can later give the children pride and a sense of importance and inclusion in the baby's life. When grandma says "What a cute bib the baby's wearing," your preschooler can say "I picked it !" In addition, make your children key members of the family committee that chooses a name for the new baby. Keep the kids involved and actively participating and then, as the birth becomes imminent, dad and the kids may even conspire to prepare some extra, special, secret surprises for mom and the baby, like buying or creating a special keepsake item or putting together a "welcome home" party. In short, it's always worth the effort to do as much as you can to get your kids involved in and excited about the arrival of a new baby. Include them in every step of the process. The more they feel that it is their baby, too, the more positive their attitudes will be towards the baby. In this way, you can try to minimize the natural insecurities and feelings of jealousy that go with the territory. The suggestions mentioned in this article can help lay the groundwork for good sibling relationships but, of course, you can't rest on your laurels once the baby is born. After the baby arrives, try to do everything you can to set aside some special time each day that's just for you and each of your other children. Offer them special little treats or outings or surprises, and encourage grandma and grandpa to do the same. To reduce jealousy, give your kids pride in the things that they can do that the baby can't do, like dressing themselves or enjoying a movie or reciting their ABCs. Continue along the path that you started on months earlier - reassure your kids that each of them is just as important as the baby is, so that they won't feel that they must compete for your love and attention.

Get your children excited

Daily routines are disrupted and suddenly mom and dad are too busy to pay attention to older siblings. Worst of all, the new baby is the instant star of the family - the center of attention. The adorable baby is the big attraction for everyone from mom and dad, to visiting relatives, to casual acquaintances bumped into at the mall, right down to strangers on the street. Everyone is talking baby talk, cooing at the new baby, and making a fuss over the newborn. The older kids may feel shunted aside and resentful. This is especially true for the displaced former baby of the family. Given these natural reactions, anything that you can do to prepare your other children for the new arrival will ease the transition. Everything you can do to involve your kids in advance and to get them to actually look forward to the birth will make a big difference in how they experience it. It might even help establish a stronger brother or sister bond with the new baby that will contribute to the lasting closeness of a positive sibling relationship. Here are some simple ideas that expectant parents might try, to smooth the road ahead for their other children. Most are common knowledge or simply common sense, but sometimes too easily forgotten amid all the excitement and activity surrounding the birth of a new baby. A few might be new ideas that are worth a try. A little advance thought and preparation may go a long way towards making the "blessed event" a blessing for the ENTIRE family. Hopefully, you'll be inspired to try some of these ideas, so here goes. Let your other kids in on the secret as soon as the pregnancy is confirmed, well before it is obvious just by looking at mom. Even with your youngest children, try to give them some understanding of the changes that mom is going through and what they mean. Check out your local public library. It should have books geared to all different ages that can explain, in terms that children can understand, the biological process of having a baby. Picture books about baby animals may also help crystalize the concept and relate it to something your kids have already experienced, like watching newborn kittens, for example. The library or local bookstore should also be able to guide you to works of fiction, including picture books for preschoolers, that focus on the arrival of a new baby in the family and such issues as jealousy and feelings of neglect. Quiet parent-child story reading times can provide an ideal opportunity to prepare young children for changes that are on the way and to reassure them of their own importance and irreplaceable position in the family. Discuss things openly and answer your kids' questions. Encourage your children to think about life with the new baby and how family routines will be altered. Coax your kids to develop their own lists of things that will be fun about having a new baby in the house - for example, they can push the baby carriage and help dress the baby. Help them think about all the things that they'll be able to share with and teach the baby as he or she grows up and how important their role will be as a "big brother" or "big sister." At other times, let them focus on coming up with ways that they can help care for the baby or have them think of things they can do around the house to ease the burden on mom and dad. Also, take this opportunity to make your kids aware that babies require gentle handling and a quiet environment. You might even use a baby doll with your younger children to role play baby's diaper changing and feeding. Nurture the feeling that every family member is of equal importance and that each occupies a special niche and has special contributions to make. No one is being replaced by the baby and the family cannot be whole unless EVERYONE is a part of it. If your kids internalize this belief, you may be able to avoid some of the trauma and the understandable resentment toward this little stranger who has stolen mommy and daddy's hearts. The better your children are prepared for the impending event, the better they'll be able to cope with it emotionally. As part of that preparation process, from time to time plan special activities with your kids that relate to babies. For example, they might draw pictures of babies or collect baby photos from magazines and create a collage. Sit down and go through photo albums of your kids' baby pictures and reminisce with them about their own arrivals into the world. Re-tell any family anecdotes surrounding their births. Teach your children lullabies that they can sing to the baby, plus finger games and "peek-a-boo" games to entertain their new brother or sister. Arts and crafts projects can furnish a special parent-child discussion and sharing time and may sometimes revolve around preparations for the new baby. Kids can make pictures to hang in the baby's room, or create a baby-safe mobile to hang over the baby's crib, or draw scenes in which they imagine their lives with the new baby - rocking the baby in their arms, and so forth. Let the kids be involved in every facet of the preparations that you yourself are making for the baby's arrival. Your kids can help you repaint the nursery or paint a mural on the nursery wall, and help you pick out baby furniture, bedding and nursery decorations. They can choose baby clothes that appeal to them. All of these things can later give the children pride and a sense of importance and inclusion in the baby's life. When grandma says "What a cute bib the baby's wearing," your preschooler can say "I picked it !" In addition, make your children key members of the family committee that chooses a name for the new baby. Keep the kids involved and actively participating and then, as the birth becomes imminent, dad and the kids may even conspire to prepare some extra, special, secret surprises for mom and the baby, like buying or creating a special keepsake item or putting together a "welcome home" party. In short, it's always worth the effort to do as much as you can to get your kids involved in and excited about the arrival of a new baby. Include them in every step of the process. The more they feel that it is THEIR baby, too, the more positive their attitudes will be towards the baby. In this way, you can try to minimize the natural insecurities and feelings of jealousy that go with the territory. The suggestions mentioned in this article can help lay the groundwork for good sibling relationships but, of course, you can't rest on your laurels once the baby is born. After the baby arrives, try to do everything you can to set aside some special time each day that's just for you and each of your other children. Offer them special little treats or outings or surprises, and encourage grandma and grandpa to do the same. To reduce jealousy, give your kids pride in the things that they CAN do that the baby can't do, like dressing themselves or enjoying a movie or reciting their ABCs. Continue along the path that you started on months earlier - reassure your kids that each of them is just as important as the baby is, so that they won't feel that they must compete for your love and attention.

dealing with the angry children

If you’re a parent, how have you felt when your child bombards you with angry, argumentative words? Did you feel manipulated and controlled; thinking your child doesn’t care about your feelings and/or all the effort you put forth in his or her life? That’s how I used to feel, until I learned there’s usually something more going on beneath a child’s anger. Now, it’s much easier for me to remain calm when a child is upset with me. I want to share some thoughts and ideas about this.
When a child responds angrily to a parent’s message, that message has not gone to the thinking part of the child’s brain. No, it has not reached the front part of the brain that does logical, rational thinking and problem solving. It has actually traveled to the part of the brain dealing with emotions. Most people know this as the limbic system, which is located in the central part of the brain. I call this the lizard part of the brain because it has no thinking abilities whatsoever; it merely reacts.
Have you ever noticed how angry, upset children (and some adults) appear as irrational? They’re in the lizard part of their brain and can’t think straight. They’re not trying to control and manipulate you. What’s happening is something lying underneath the surface of their conscious mind. Underneath the anger is a feeling of fear. It’s totally unconscious so usually both parents and children are unaware of it. When a child becomes angry and moves toward a temper tantrum stage of feelings, what the child is non-verbally telling you is:
“I can’t think—I’m in the lizard part of my brain and I don’t know how to get out of it to the thinking part where I can talk you in a way that makes sense.”
“I need your help—I don’t know what to do; I’ve become so upset, I’ve regressed to about the age of 2 or 3.”
Would you expect a 2 year old to be able to sit down and have a rational, logical conversation with you? I don’t think so! And yet, that is the very thing many parents attempt to do when their child is angry and upset. Can you see the waste of energy that gets expended doing this?
What you as a parent can do to help your angry child is to remain calm. Think like a super nanny on the front lines of parenting. The first thing you have to do is to help your child move to the thinking part of his or her brain. To do this, calmly (and with no sarcasm)
Ask your child, “What part of your brain do you think you’re using right now, the lizard part or the thinking part?” if the answer is, “lizard part”, then ask,
Is that working for you? Are you getting what you want?” If your child tells you “no”, then go the next question,
“What do you need to do to get back to the thinking part of your brain?” If the child says, “I don’t know,” let him or her know you can see the shift has already happened because your child is answering your questions. This is a good thing!
If your child has calmed down a bit, ask if he or she needs some time to think about what just happened so you can talk about it together and come up with a way to handle the situation differently next time. If the child responds with a “no”, give a hug and say something like, “You are always so much nicer when you’re using the thinking part of your brain.” Then, walk away.
The next time, you’re faced with an angry child ask yourself two important questions before you respond:
What part of the brain is my child using right now?
At what age do I usually see these behaviors in a child
If your child is in the lizard part of the brain and acting like a toddler, this would not be a good time to talk. Get your child so he or she can think rationally, calm down and then go for the talk. You can’t talk to a toddler (or anyone else for that matter) when he’s upset. Help him calm down simply by acknowledging his angry feelings and be there with a smile and a hug (regardless of how you’re feeling). This is a small gesture and will pay big benefits for you down the road.

Nursery baby bedding

When a new baby is on its way, the first thing a new parent thinks about is how to make the baby most comfortable when they arrive into their new world. A lot of effort goes into building the perfect ‘nest;’ i.e., nursery, and one of the most important items in a nursery is a baby’s bedding. Because babies are so susceptible to their surrounding environment, where and how a baby sleeps can make all the difference in how they rest.

It is important to invest wisely in proper baby bedding. This means materials that are soft, resilient, light, and warm on a baby’s skin, and sheets that fit as snugly as possible over a firm, snug mattress. This also means no quilts, comforters or pillows, as they are considered risk factors in sudden infant death syndrome. There are two options when buying baby bedding: pre-made baby bedding and custom baby bedding.

Pre-made baby bedding is a great, cost effective way to buy for your baby. If you do decide to use pre-made baby bedding, a good idea is to pick the bedding before anything else in the nursery or bedroom. This way you can design around the bedding, which often makes it easier to manage.

The problem many new parents face is that they may not be able to find exactly what they want, and will put it off, looking for the perfect match for a nursery or bedroom theme. Pretty soon the baby comes along, and the parents still haven’t chosen the bedding; they are now rushing to throw something together, and are unhappy with what they get. While this isn’t always the case, it is for many people. Others are happy and find what they need quickly, but for those that are having trouble, there is always custom-made baby bedding.

Custom baby bedding is great, especially if you can’t find a material you want, a pattern you like, or design element you require. Custom baby bedding can be manufactured to any and all specifications you have, and that is what makes it so great. You have full say in layout, looks and design, ensuring the uniqueness of your baby bedding and your happiness with finding exactly what you need.

10 most dangerous jobs

1. Timber cutters
2. Airplane pilots
3. Construction laborers
4. Truck drivers
5. Farm occupations
6. Groundskeepers
7. Laborers
8. Police and detectives
9. Carpenters
10. Sales occupations

It's a fact that some occupations are riskier than others. But no matter what you do for a living, take a look at your life insurance needs.life Insurance can help you financially protect your loved ones after you die. If you're single, and no one is depending upon your income for support, you probably don't need life insurance. But if any of the following is true, consider buying life insurance:
You're married and your spouse depends on your income
You have children
You have an aging parent or disabled relative who depends on your income
Your retirement savings, pension, or other cash accounts won't adequately support your loved ones after you die
You have a large estate and expect to owe estate taxes
You own a business

Calculators and worksheets are available online to help you determine how much life insurance you need. You may want to contact an insurance agent or broker who can help you determine what type of life insurance is best for you and the amount of coverage you need.

Monday, March 12, 2007


Friday, March 9, 2007

Is Shopping Online Secure

Is shopping online becoming popular and safe enough for you and I to do the vast majority of our shopping on the Internet?
As I contemplated, The first thought that came to mind was will they come and will they spend money? Sure people are always curious and some will visit but will they stay long enough to spend some money?
Safety was the first concern of those I had spoken to, they were somewhat skeptical and therefore reluctant to make any online purchases. It is our responsibility as online marketers to convince them to about the safety of online shopping.
We all know about the convenience of getting on the computer and viewing the sale that retailers are using to entice the shoppers into making a commitment. But are not always as eager to go ahead and complete the purchase online.
The internet today is as safe or safer than making purchase in person, I recently read an article where BJ Wholesalers was fined by the Securities and Exchange Commission for not having sufficient security to protect Credit Card users.
Most of the buying we do today is pay for by either a credit card or a debit card. So If you think that when you purchase gas and pay for it at the pump with your credit card or debit card that you are making a safe purchase think again.
I recently purchase gas at my favorite gas station and paid for it at the pump with my debit card, only to find out two weeks later when the bank call me to question some of purchases that were charge to my debit card.
It seems that somebody was making purchases that were very uncharacteristic for me. And the institution where I have been banking for many years was able to detect this and all my money was refunded and a new card issued.
I was fortunate in the incident just described, but back to online shopping, most of the retailers that do business online have very good security to protect the buyers. After all they would rather you make your purchases online,
Online shopping is much more profitable for the stores and safer and besides no shoplifting takes place on the internet, so the store want to protect this revenue source by making it safe as well as convenient.
Another willing partner is the credit card companies themselves they want you and I to continue using the plastic, and are doing all they can to protect the credit card user.
In our website we have a page titled credit card fraud protection, with direct links to the major credit card companies website and anti fraud page, so that shoppers can read what the credit card companies are doing to protect them from fraud and identity theft.
As more and more people become aware of the security measures being undertaken to protect them, they will avail themselves of the convenience of doing their shopping online and use the time they save for pleasure and family activities.
People today are always in a hurry and don’t usually have time to wait on long lines for cashier to ring them up, when they can accomplish the same thing without leaving the house.
This is more attractive to younger active people would rather play a round of golf or a couple of sets of tennis than fight the maddening crowds.

Relax Your Mind

What is relaxation?
In common terminology, relaxation means that we leave ourselves free of tension. Relaxing mind may mean that the mind is not under stress or active. In today's lifestyle, this looks difficult. Isn't it?Now a days, most of us believe to be being under stress during most of the week and relax only on the weekends. This is considered the common way of life. Is this the right way of living? Is living a relaxed life all the time not our right? Let us reclaim it.

Bad stress -
If you ask anyone that why is he/she under stress most of the week, what answer do you expect to get? I have so much work to do, deadlines to meet, tasks to be completed, prepare for the new launch etc. Don't you think that something like this will be the response?
Let us discuss why most of us are stressed all the time. At some time in our life, while we are chasing the dreams we lose our habit of sitting back and reflecting. We begin giving auto responses. If we are held up in a traffic jam, our response is - either to worry about the work ahead, or blame the system or some such negative thought. Not many of us think - All right. If the traffic is not moving, let me relax, listen to some good music, or go back to some childhood memories, remember good friends, let me make the best use of the time to relax and enjoy life. Not many of us respond in this way. We respond in stressed way whenever we come across any similar situation. This habit is taking a big toll on our quality of life.
Stress - A way of life.
We have taken stress as a way of life. Very few of us think about why they are trying to work at such a hectic pace and if ultimately, we are going to leave this world with a lot of incomplete work, why not at least work in a relaxed way? What is the use of working so much , if we kill all the joy. In search of a better tomorrow, we kill the present. Isn't it?
Stressed work environment, stressed family life, no time to just walk around doing nothing but watch the nature...Why? It is as if we want to achieve most in the shortest possible time and therefore have no time to relax Working non-stop all the week is a way of life for a large majority. The increase in cardiac attacks, depression etc, are all the results of this stressed lifestyle. When we get stressed, we look around for the latest stress busters, latest therapies, etc. to counter the stress. And then by the time the week ends, we again go out somewhere to relax

Improve Your Memory in 5 ways

Here are five ‘Brain-friendly’ study methods that help to improve your memory and remember your study lessons easily:
1. Study with short breaks: Take short breaks while studying. Do not study continuously for more than 30 to 45 minutes. Give a break of five to ten minutes in between two sessions. Such short breaks give rest to your brain and help it to reinforce what you are learning. This will make it easy for you to understand more and remember better. Do not read any new information during these short breaks. Just relax or walk around.
2. Explain to yourself: Explain what you've study to yourself. Pretend you are both the student and the teacher, and try to explain the chapter or study topic to yourself. This kind of ‘explaining’ automatically helps you to learn the subject in detail. Hence you will remember it clearly.
3. Discuss: Discuss important study topics with a willing classmate. Holding such discussion will jog your memory. This is like another form of revision. Also, you will become aware of important points about those study topics. This will help both you and your classmate to learn more and remember more.
4. Sleep: Well Yes, sleep cosily. Good sleep is essential for good memory. Recent research has shown that lack of sufficient sleep interferes with memory function. Because during sleep and rest period, our brain processes and consolidates information which it records during the day. So do not skip sleep; especially during the exam days. Sleep for at least six hours. Eight hours is best.
5. Eat: Well Now, what has eating got to do with remembering more? Simple. What we eat affects our brain’s performance. Poor nutrition leads to learning and memory problems. So make sure you include nutrient-rich food items like--whole grains, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and milk in your diet. This will keep your brain healthy and happy. The above five remedies are easy to follow. They definitely help to strengthen your memory and achieve more success in your studies.

Finer Points of Poverty

I'm poor. And I'm not ashamed of it. Actually, I'm kind of proud of myself for being poor. It's an accomplishment that many people will never attain. Some people will go through their whole life and never know what it's like to experience some of the finer points of poverty like eating ramon noodles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner 5 days a week. My heart goes out to these types of people. The Fourtunate Ones. People who've always had electricity, nice cars, and proper clothing.I wasn't always poor. I had to work hard at it. I had to quit several jobs without finding new ones. I had to spend 75% of my paycheck at the bar when I knew my bills would have easily taken 90%. I had to max out credit cards and never pay on them. I had to give money to females that I knew would never pay it back. And most importantly I had to move to a small town where $6.00 and hour is considered 'good money'.I didn't know that I was putting myself in line for poverty while I was doing all these things. I just woke up one day and realized that I couldn't pay my car note because I only had 11 cents in the bank. And that's when it hit me: I'm POOR! It took me 25 long years but I finally nose-dived below the poverty line. I was now in the same category as the homeless and welfare recipients. No more was I hindered by riches. I had shed that lifestyle. I got up and fixed myself a mayonaisse sandwich to celebrate. Delicious!As a poor person I am entitled to certain privledges to which the well-to-do won't every be privy. I decide haved to list a few:- Instead of lugging around a wallet full of heavy dollar bills I now pay for important purchases like gasoline and food with spare change that I scavenge up around the house. - I get to shop at stores with improperly spelled titles like Sav-A-Lot, Thrif-Ti-Mart, and DisKount King. These stores offer a wide variety of out-dated, slightly damaged merchandise that Wal-Mart shoppers can only dream of.- I get to drool at resturant commercials on TV because I know I will never be able to afford meals like that again unless a rich relative dies- I get to wear my friend's hand-me-down clothes and shoes. This means that I rarely match and my feet ache constantly from wearing shoes that are three sizes too small.- I get to freely engage in the offical sports of the National Poor People's Association: begging and borrowing.- I get to go to bed every night with the comforting thought that if I ever do meet Ms.Right I can't afford to date her.I'll stop there because I see the envy rising to dangerous levels in a few reader's eyes. These readers probably have steady jobs and nice homes or apartments. Their bills are probably caught up. They probably have an immense wardrobe with properly sized shoes. Their bank account probably never drops below $5,000. I apologize to these readers if my boasting about my impoverished condition has made them feel inferior and totally removed any self-esteem they may have had left. All I can say is that I never meant to be poor. I was just in the right places at the right times. Maybe one day all of you will find yourselves on the Road to Rags as well. Until then you can check in with me if you want to know what it's like. I'll be the guy on the side of the interstate off-ramp with the 'Will Work For Food' sign. Pull your Mercedes right up and ask me anything. I promise I won't laugh.

Thursday, March 8, 2007


Archived cricket articles and cricket stories, which have previously featured at Abc of Cricket, many of which are submissions from cricket writers and cricket fans worldwide. A variety of different topics including cricket history, issues affecting cricket, personal opinions and many more cricket related topics.

wither, Cricket? - The Survival of Test Cricket
If the survival of cricket is now highly dependent on revenue raised from the World Cup, cricket is at the brink. The Test match must be instated as the meat of the game, or at least enjoy an equal share of power with international limited-overs cricket. But it requires imagination, diplomacy and commitment from the ICC and home boards around the world; new ways of thinking, and the right reasons.

From Chucker to ChampionThis time 2 years ago, it appeared the cricketing future of India's Harbhajan Singh was in doubt. Accused of chucking by the umpire during a tournament in Sharjah in 1999, who could possibly predict, he would go on to be one of the finest off spin bowlers currently playing cricket. 24/03/01
In The Beginning In 1868, Australia's first touring cricket team departed on its inaugural tour of England. A notable feature of the Australian side at the time was the fact, the team was comprised solely of Indigenous Australian players.
Just Not Cricket After an illustrious career spanning 16 years, including 218 games as a member of the English cricket team, it appears Ian Botham has finally met his match, his wife Kathy. 16/01/01
Australia's ShameHe was the cricketer who could have brought the English tourists to their knees during the Bodyline tests over the summer of 1932-33.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Osho on meditation

According to Osho, meditation is a state of watchfulness that has no ego fulfillment in it, something that –
... happens when you are in a state of not-doing. And that is the question: how to do that non-doing? If you ask how, you have missed the point, because "how" means doing. ... You will have to understand that no doing is going to help. In that very understanding, non-doing happens.
He said it is very difficult for modern man to just sit and be in meditation, so he devised so-called Active Meditation techniques to prepare the ground. Some of these preparatory exercises can also be found in western psychological therapies (i.e. gestalt therapy), such as altered breathing, gibberish, laughing or crying. His most significant meditation techniques are known as "Dynamic Meditation", "Kundalini Meditation", "Nadabrahma", "Nataraj". They have a strong physical element. He said Dynamic Meditation was –
... absolutely necessary for the modern man ... If people are innocent there is no need for Dynamic Meditation. But if people are repressed, psychologically are carrying a lot of burden, then they need catharsis. So Dynamic Meditation is just to help them clean the place. And then they can use any method ... It will not be difficult. If they, right now, directly try, they will fail.
He also reintroduced minimal parts of several traditional meditation techniques, stripped of what he saw as ritual and tradition, and retaining what he considered to be the most therapeutic parts. He believed that, given sufficient practice, the meditative state can be achieved and maintained while performing everyday tasks and that enlightenment is nothing but being continuously in a meditative state:
Nature has come to a point where now, unless you take individual responsibility, you cannot grow. More than this nature cannot do. It has done enough. It has given you life, it has given you opportunity; now how to use it, it has left up to you.
Meditation is your freedom, not a biological necessity. You can learn in a certain period of time every day to strengthen meditation, to make it stronger -- but carry the flavor of it the whole day.
First, while you are awake -- the moment you wake up, immediately catch hold of the thread of remaining alert and conscious, because that is the most precious moment to catch the thread of consciousness. Many times in the day you will forget -- but the moment you remember, immediately start being alert. Never repent, because that is a sheer wastage of time. Never repent, "My God, I forgot again!"
In my teachings there is no place for any repentance. Whatever has happened is gone, now there is no need to waste time on it. Catch hold again of the thread of awareness. Slowly, slowly you will be able to be alert the whole day -- an undercurrent of awareness in every act, in every movement, in everything that you are doing, or not doing. Something underneath will be continuously flowing.
Even when you go to sleep, leave the thread only at the last moment when you cannot do anything because you are falling asleep. Whatever is the last thing before you fall asleep will be the first thing when you wake up. Try it. Any small experiment will be enough to prove it. Just repeat your own name while you are falling asleep: half awake, half asleep, go on repeating ... Slowly, slowly you will forget repeating, because the sleep will grow more and more and the thread will be lost. It is lost only because you are asleep, but underneath your sleep it continues. That's why in the morning when you wake up and just look around, the first thing you will remember will be [the sound of your name]. You will be surprised: Why? What happened? You slept eight hours, but there has been an undercurrent.
And as things become deeper and clearer, even in sleep you can remember that you are asleep. Sleep becomes almost a physiological thing and your spirit, your being, becomes a flame of awareness, separate from it. It does not disturb your sleep; it simply makes your sleep very light. It is no more the sleep of the old days, when your house was on fire and you went on sleeping -- that was almost like a coma, you were so unconscious.
Your sleep will become thin, a very light layer, and your inside will remain alert. Just as it has been alert in the day, it will be even more alert in the night, finally, because you are so silent, so relaxed. The whole nuisance world becomes completely silent.
Patanjali, the first man in the world to write about meditation, says that meditation is almost like dreamless sleep, but with only one difference. In dreamless sleep you are not aware; in samadhi, in the ultimate state of meditation, there is just a little difference -- you are aware.

Osho's philosophy

Rajneesh Chandra Mohan Jain (December 11, 1931 – January 19, 1990), better known during the 1970s and 1980s as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and later taking the name Osho, was an Indian spiritual teacher. He lived in India and in other countries including, for a period, the United States, and inspired the Osho movement, a controversial spiritual and philosophical movement.
Osho claimed that the greatest values in life are (in no specific order) awareness, love, meditation and laughter. He said that enlightenment is everyone's natural state, but that one is distracted from realizing it – particularly by the human activity of thought, as well as by emotional ties to societal expectations, and consequent fears and inhibitions.
He was a prolific speaker (both in Hindi and English) on various spiritual traditions including those of Buddha, Krishna, Guru Nanak, Jesus, Socrates, Zen masters, Gurdjieff, Sufism, Hassidism and many others. He attempted to ensure that no "system of thought" would define him, since he believed that no philosophy can fully express the truth.
An experienced orator, he said he spoke to convey his message, but that his only reason was to persuade his listeners to start on a path of meditation, glimpses of which, according to him, could be experienced in the gaps between his words[2]:
I am making you aware of silences without any effort on your part. My speaking is being used for the first time as a strategy to create silence in you.
This is not a teaching, a doctrine, a creed. That’s why I can say anything. I am the most free person who has ever existed as far as saying anything is concerned. I can contradict myself in the same evening a hundred times. Because it is not a speech, it has not to be consistent. It is a totally different thing, and it will take time for the world to recognize that a tremendously different experiment was going on.
Just a moment … when I became silent, you become silent. What remains is just a pure awaiting. You are not making any effort; neither am I making any effort. I enjoy talking; it is not an effort.
I love to see you silent. I love to see you laugh, I love to see you dance. But in all these activities, the fundamental remains meditation.
He was often called the "sex guru" after some speeches in the late 1960s on sexuality. These were later compiled under the title From Sex to Superconsciousness. According to him, "For Tantra everything is holy, nothing is unholy", and all repressive sexual morality was self-defeating, since one could not transcend sex without experiencing it thoroughly and consciously. In 1985, he told the Bombay Illustrated Weekly,

I have never been a celibate. If people believe so, that is their foolishness. I have always loved women – and perhaps more women than anybody else. You can see my beard: it has become gray so quickly because I have lived so intensely that I have compressed almost two hundred years into fifty.

Osho said he loved to disturb people – only by disturbing them could he make them think. Accordingly, his discourses were peppered with offensive jokes and outrageous statements lampooning key figures of established religions such as Hinduism, Jainism or Christianity. Concerning the virgin birth, for example, he said that Jesus was clearly a bastard, since he was not Joseph's biological son, and that the Holy Ghost was a rapist – or God's genitalia." An attempt on his life was made by a Hindu fundamentalist in 1980. Osho, however, said that the only thing he was serious about in his discourses were the jokes – they were the main thing, and everything else was spiritual gossip.