Cheap Auto Insurance for Teens
Cheap Auto Insurance for Teens TipsHere are some tips on how to get cheap auto insurance for your teen son or daughter
1 Raise their deductible - raising your teenager's deductible from $100 to $500 can lower their insurance premium by 10% to 20%.
2 Change cars - the difference between insuring a souped-up sports car and a conservative sedan can be as much as $1,000 or more.
3 Have your teenager take driver's training - getting your teenager to take a driver's ed course will save you 10% to 15% on their insurance and will give you a little peace of mind to boot.* Encourage your teen to get good grades - you can get a 10% discount in some states if your son or daughter gets good grades in school.
4 Get them to chip in - having your teenage son or daughter pay for a portion of their auto insurance premium will not only save you money, it will teach them responsibility.
5 Get multiple quotes - the exact same car insurance with different companies can vary as much as $1,000 a year. That's $10,000 over a ten-year period that you could save by spending a few minutes online comparing quotes
6 Put your teen on your policy - by insuring your teenage son or daughter on your car insurance policy, you can get up to a 15% discount on their premium.
Shop online - shopping online to get quotes from different insurance companies is the quickest and easiest way to compare rates and get cheap auto insurance for your teen.
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